Founder, AI Powered | Accelerating Career Transitions with AI, Starting with Product Managers | Product Guy in AI, BTC & Crypto Education👇 Join the Waitlist
AI is revolutionising how teams work—and we’re proof of this at @cheqd_io
We've used AI tools to execute a massive outreach strategy targeting the Top 'AI x Crypto' projects to spread our mission of the need for Verifiable AI (vAI)
Within a week we'd lined-up discussions with Top 10 AI x Crypto projects.
👇 Steal our steps to accelerate your outreach
I spent my early 20's unsure what my career would look like.
Full of enthusiasm, passion and energy, but totally lost on how I would apply it in the real world.
Fortunately I found Product Management
🧵 Here's my story and why the future belongs to product-led people, augmented by AI
🤖 It's now cliche to even say is, but AI is everywhere, threatening jobs across industries—from labor-intensive work to creative fields.
As a result, everyone’s skill set is evolving. Fast.
Jobs are increasingly varied and the previous conveyer belt labour model with one person, one skill, one task is disappearing rapidly.
💼 80% of millennials + Gen Z are preparing for a future where traditional jobs and careers they've built might vanish.
I've been reading @martinotoole's "How To Die Happy" this month and, within it, was guided to write my "top end-of-life regrets."
The first came to me instantly - not re-learning to play the guitar
Today, I made a step to overcome that regret.
What would yours be? Go do that
"Every single person who wants to do something and has done something with their life has gone through the exact chapter that you're going through - 'The Lonely Chapter'."
Perhaps you're in yours... I had one too; embrace it.
What is 'The Lonely Chapter'?
Truly valuing your opinion of yourself more than other people's opinion of you is not arrogant... you end up doing yourself, all people close to you, and even strangers, a favour